[ English ][ Bahasa Malaysia ]
It's well known that advertising is a major determinant of a business' success. To find customers for your product/service, you need to make a presentation to consumers. It's important how your product is presented to your target market to be able to capture it. What are the advantages of Internet advertising over other proven media like popular TV ads?
1. Low Cost
Internet advertisement can be viewed as "classy" or far-reaching, it is far cheaper than most. Internet Advertising Packages are offered for as low as $29.99 for a one-month run-time period
Internet advertisement can be viewed as "classy" or far-reaching, it is far cheaper than most. Internet Advertising Packages are offered for as low as $29.99 for a one-month run-time period
2. Capture Market
To cater the younger generation or the corporate-oriented ones, the Internet ad would be best! Since the target audience is already "hooked-up" to the net surfing sites that might carry your ads. The result, a great number of "hits" on your site!
3. Hassle Free
To start advertising on the Internet needs a computer, a little knowledge, and some bright ideas. Once it's online, you only need to check and update its status. You may actually never have to leave your home to advertise on the Internet!
To start advertising on the Internet needs a computer, a little knowledge, and some bright ideas. Once it's online, you only need to check and update its status. You may actually never have to leave your home to advertise on the Internet!
4. Updated Ads
Unlike TV ads that need to be updated on a regular basis, your Internet media may run for quite some time without the need for change. If you do need to update, changing the ad or your web site can be done easily from anywhere in the world.
The purpose of Internet advertising is to offer the widest range or "Maximum Exposure" of your product/service at the least possible cost. Now, does that not sound good or what?
Unlike TV ads that need to be updated on a regular basis, your Internet media may run for quite some time without the need for change. If you do need to update, changing the ad or your web site can be done easily from anywhere in the world.
The purpose of Internet advertising is to offer the widest range or "Maximum Exposure" of your product/service at the least possible cost. Now, does that not sound good or what?
Please sign up under Referal ID: 137710
[ English ][ Bahasa Malaysia ]
theSpaceAds.com is an Internet Advertisement Business, theSpaceAds.com promotes its advertisement business to corporate owners, webmasters, individuals, web surfers, and anybody through rental of spaces or pixels over the internet.
There is no doubt that the original UK pixel advertisement website MillionDollarHomepage.com was a great idea and have succeeded, because it is new and had a human story behind it. Many people believe that the new copycat pixel sites being built every day cannot replicate its original success. On the other side, many optimists, in contrast, still see and hope it as an opportunity. Some hosting companies are trying to appeal it strongly to the pointless innocent wannabes by promoting hassle less pixel site development and hosting service. And some scam artists are even trying to sell you their "Know how" e-books about the pixel ads.
theSpaceAds.com owned by a Malaysian company; EQUITY DRIVE SDN BHD; setup in the early 2007. The company is 100% bumiputra and operated in Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA. The company's Management and teams have successfully created the 1st 100% internet advertisement website in Malaysia. The company's objective is to help the small and medium industries businesses to market and sell their local services and products to the international market through this website. The directors of EQUITY DRIVE SDN BHD have agreed and the company is willingly to share on how to become a successful income generator through space or pixel advertising. To date, founders Yahoo, Google and America Online are billionaires and have dominated the online advertising space. refer Wall St. Journal Article.
AZ NIXCO Trading; a subsidiary company of EQUITY DRIVE SDN BHD has been appointed as Malaysian Country Space Agent (Malaysian CSA) to market the services of renting the web/pixel space to the Malaysian market through common marketing & networking strategies, AZ NIXCO Trading is looking forward to work with local individual or company in this new business. At current, AZ NIXCO Trading office is the same office with EQUITY DRIVE SDN BHD.
Through the amazing of network marketing, a unique opportunity has arisen to empower individual to be an experience successful financial that have been enjoyed by the people before us as mentioned above.
DO NOT FREAK OUT!!!... WITH ONLY US$60.00 (RM210.00) and a 20 x 20 PIXELS, CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. DON'T WAIT!!!... START NOW!!!...
Please proceed to our Marketing Plan page to now!!! You will be a successful person in overnight!!
Plesae call or SMS to +60199822494 / +60179612947 / +6139398395 / +6098271395
assistance/ Official Reseller
theSpaceAds.com Strategy
1. theSpaceAds.com GoldPlan CommissionStrategy
1. theSpaceAds.com GoldPlan CommissionStrategy
8. Service Centre (State & District ~ Malaysia Only)
1. theSpaceAds.com GoldPlan Commission Strategy
theSpaceAds.com GoldPlan Commission strategy:
The minimum sales of pixel spaces is US$ 60.00 (RM210.00) for 1 unit (20 x 20 pixels = 400 pixels).
Your advertisement space rental duration is for 1 year. You can continue or renew for another 6 months by paying US$10.00 (RM35.00) after your advertisement space rental expired.
Display your advertisement on the 1st page of the website automatically.
Your logo or images will be place on the pixel space purchased.
Your logo or images will be link to your own or favorite website to promote your business.
1 Business Space Centre (BSC) will be given to you for each unit purchased.
1 BSC entitled you to 4 types of GoldPlan Commission.
Commission of GoldPlan Referral Income (GRI)
Commission of GoldPlan Unilevel Income (GTI)
Commission of GoldPlan Team Income (GTI)
Commission of GoldPlan Pool Income (GPI)
You must refer 2 business partner/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw your commission in GoldPlan Referral Income (GRI), GoldPlan Unilevel Income (GTI), GoldPlan Team Income (GTI) and GoldPlan Pool Income (GPI).
You can purchase as many units as you want.
Commission of GoldPlan Referral Income (GRI)
Each Business Space Centre will also:
Entitled for the commision of GoldPlan Referral Income (GRI) of US$10.00 (RM35.00) every time you refer a new business partner to buy space pixel from theSpaceAds.com.
When your refer i.e. 10 business partner to buy 10 units, your commision of GRI will be US$10.00 (RM35.00) x 10 units = US$100.00 (RM350.00).
Commision of GRI has no limit as to how many referral you can make.
Your own re-entry units under your hierarchy will also earn US$10.00 (RM35.00).
You must refer a minimum of 2 persons/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw ALL your commission.
Commission of GoldPlan Unilevel Income (GUI)
Each Business Space Centre will also:
Commission of GoldPlan Unilevel Income (GUI) will be given to theSpaceAds.com member/s when:
You or your downline introduce new member/s.
Commission of GUI will be calculated by level (7 levels)
Level 1 = US$2.00 (RM7.00), level 2 to level 4 = US$0.75 (RM2.45) and level 5 to level 7 = US$0.50 (RM1.75)
You will get commission of GUI when there is new entry from you or your downline; i.e. you introduce new business partner by renting 10 units, your commission of GUI is US$2.00 (RM7.00) x 10 new units = US$20.00 (RM70.00) for your 1st level only.
When your new/existing business partner introduce 7 new business partners purchasing 7 new units, your commission of GUI at level 2 is US$0.75 (RM2.45) x 7 new units = US$5.25 (RM17.15)
Through commission of GUI, your business will expend.
Your Re-Entry unit also will be calculated for commission of GUI.
You must refer a minimum of 2 persons/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw ALL your commission.
Commission of GoldPlan Team Income (GTI)
Each Business Space Centre will also:
theSpaceAds.com will do placement from left to right.
You will earn commission of GTI every time you have Sales. theSpaceAds.com will pay you US$3.00 (RM10.50) for each team until level 17.
You will be paid commission of GTI even is not balance. There is no flushing or no payment for unbalance team/s.
Indefinitely your Business Space Centre earns commission of GTI as there are entries under your from left to right.
Your registered re-entry Business Space Centre units under you will also be counted for commission of GTI.
When there is a movement, entries or re-entries by anybody in the world will make you earn the above commission of GTI automatically.
You must refer a minimum of 2 persons/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw ALL your commission.
Commission of GoldPlan Pool Income (GPI)
Each Business Space Centre will also:
Entitled a GPI unit to queue in the commission of GPI .
All units purchased will be placed in the GPI queue on first come first serve basis.
When 2 units were thrown into the GPI system (from complete system hierarchy + your hierarchy), the front unit in the queue will get GPI of US$1.00 (RM3.50) in its e-SpaceWallet which can be withdrawn.
This GPI unit will be placed at the next queue available in the commission of GPI.
You will get repeated commission of GPI even though only 1 unit purchased.
The commission of GPI will be repeated for 100 times only.
Once you have gained repeated 100 times, a collection of US$1.00 (RM3.50) x 100 times = US$100.00 (RM350.00) for a single unit will be given (EXCLUDING the commission of GRI, GTI and GUI).
NO new advertisement unit space given to you for the GPI units.
Space or pixel unit will only be provided when you make a new purchase.
You must refer a minimum of 2 persons/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw ALL your commission.
click to go top >
2. The Benefits
The benefits from theSpaceAds.com:
Cheap; US$60.00 (RM210.00) for 20 x 20 pixels advertisement space rental for 1 year.
Market control
Easy to do maintenance
Easy to change the advertisement - real time
You can advertise your company and product with a cheaper price with a longer period. An additional of US$10.00 (RM35.00) renewal for another 6 months.
Your product can sell by itself and will be known to the world
You can introduce your company, services and products to prospect business partner all over the world
Your services and products will be in the international market
You can improved your services and products based from the it market statistic
Your Potential Commission is unlimited.
Indirectly your Space Pixel Advertisement is FREE and you can earn tremendous commission by promoting your business through these strategies.
When you introduced and subscribe more business partner, you'll earn more! THE MORE THE BETTER! And theSpaceAds.com growing to a bigger community.
You may earn a tremendous commission every day from each of your Business Space Centre.
The MORE Business Space Centre owns by you, the MORE YOU EARNING!
3. New Entry Unit ("downline")
theSpaceAds.com will make sure that yours "downline" or upline new unit placement will be in your own hierarchy as below:
Left will be the defaulted auto placement unit location.
If left hierarchy is greater than the right hierarchy, auto placement is defaulted to the right. theSpaceAds.com members will enjoy auto commission of GTI infinity until the level 17.
4. New Auto Re-Entry Unit
When you request for a commission withdrawal from e-SpaceWallet every day with-in a week, an Auto Re-Entry Unit from your unit will be thrown under your own hierarchy, 10% will be deducted from the commission withdrawal as a new Auto Re-Entry Unit. It will happen as below:
Deduction Conditions:
A minimum of 10% deduction from your commission withdrawal to a maximum of US$60.00 (RM210.00) in a week.
1 Auto "Re-Entry" unit in a week only.
You will get ALL commission; GRI, GUI, GTI, GPI and GUI for Auto Re-Entry Unit.
Auto Re-Entry Unit will start the placement from left to right under your own hierarchy.
Week 1 (e-SpaceWallet)~ 1st withdrawal request amounting of US$21.00 (RM73.50) x 10% = US$2.10 (RM7.35) ~ 2nd withdrawal request amounting of US$86.00 (RM301.00) x 10% = US$8.60 (RM30.10)~ 3rd withdrawal request amounting of US$143.00 (RM500.50 x 10% = US$14.30 (RM50.05)~ 4th withdrawal request amounting of US$400.00 (RM1,400.00) x 10% = US$40.00 (RM140.00) ~ Total withdrawal request for the week amounting = US$650.00 (RM2,275.00) x 10% = US$65.00 (RM227.50)
the system will place your Re-Entry Unit under your own hierarchy automatically once it reaches 10% - US$60.00 (RM210.00), which at this point the total accumulated is US$65.00 (RM227.50).
the balance of US$5.00 (RM17.50) will be creadited into your e-SpaceWallet account for withdrawal.
your total commission withdrawal for the week is:US$585.00 (RM2,047.50) + US$5.00 (RM17.50) = US$590.00 (RM2,065.00)
Week 2 (e-SpaceWallet)~ 1st withdrawal request amounting of US$130.00 (RM455.00) x 10% = US$13.00 (RM45.50)~ 2nd withdrawal request amounting of US$110.00 (RM385.00) x 10% = US$11.00 (RM38.50)~ 3rd withdrawal request amounting of US$160.00 (RM560.00 x 10% = US$16.00 (RM56.00)~ 4th withdrawal request amounting of US$140.00 (RM490.00) x 10% = US$14.00 (RM49.00) ~ Total withdrawal request for the week amounting = US$540.00 (RM1,890.00) x 10% = US$54.00 (RM189.00)
the system will NOT do Auto Re-Entry unit for you since your withdrawal did not reach 10% US$60.00 (RM210.00) which at current it was only US$54.00 (RM189.00). The system will carry forward the amount to next week.
1. theSpaceAds.com GoldPlan Commission Strategy
theSpaceAds.com GoldPlan Commission strategy:
The minimum sales of pixel spaces is US$ 60.00 (RM210.00) for 1 unit (20 x 20 pixels = 400 pixels).
Your advertisement space rental duration is for 1 year. You can continue or renew for another 6 months by paying US$10.00 (RM35.00) after your advertisement space rental expired.
Display your advertisement on the 1st page of the website automatically.
Your logo or images will be place on the pixel space purchased.
Your logo or images will be link to your own or favorite website to promote your business.
1 Business Space Centre (BSC) will be given to you for each unit purchased.
1 BSC entitled you to 4 types of GoldPlan Commission.
Commission of GoldPlan Referral Income (GRI)
Commission of GoldPlan Unilevel Income (GTI)
Commission of GoldPlan Team Income (GTI)
Commission of GoldPlan Pool Income (GPI)
You must refer 2 business partner/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw your commission in GoldPlan Referral Income (GRI), GoldPlan Unilevel Income (GTI), GoldPlan Team Income (GTI) and GoldPlan Pool Income (GPI).
You can purchase as many units as you want.
Commission of GoldPlan Referral Income (GRI)
Each Business Space Centre will also:
Entitled for the commision of GoldPlan Referral Income (GRI) of US$10.00 (RM35.00) every time you refer a new business partner to buy space pixel from theSpaceAds.com.
When your refer i.e. 10 business partner to buy 10 units, your commision of GRI will be US$10.00 (RM35.00) x 10 units = US$100.00 (RM350.00).
Commision of GRI has no limit as to how many referral you can make.
Your own re-entry units under your hierarchy will also earn US$10.00 (RM35.00).
You must refer a minimum of 2 persons/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw ALL your commission.
Commission of GoldPlan Unilevel Income (GUI)
Each Business Space Centre will also:
Commission of GoldPlan Unilevel Income (GUI) will be given to theSpaceAds.com member/s when:
You or your downline introduce new member/s.
Commission of GUI will be calculated by level (7 levels)
Level 1 = US$2.00 (RM7.00), level 2 to level 4 = US$0.75 (RM2.45) and level 5 to level 7 = US$0.50 (RM1.75)
You will get commission of GUI when there is new entry from you or your downline; i.e. you introduce new business partner by renting 10 units, your commission of GUI is US$2.00 (RM7.00) x 10 new units = US$20.00 (RM70.00) for your 1st level only.
When your new/existing business partner introduce 7 new business partners purchasing 7 new units, your commission of GUI at level 2 is US$0.75 (RM2.45) x 7 new units = US$5.25 (RM17.15)
Through commission of GUI, your business will expend.
Your Re-Entry unit also will be calculated for commission of GUI.
You must refer a minimum of 2 persons/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw ALL your commission.
Commission of GoldPlan Team Income (GTI)
Each Business Space Centre will also:
theSpaceAds.com will do placement from left to right.
You will earn commission of GTI every time you have Sales. theSpaceAds.com will pay you US$3.00 (RM10.50) for each team until level 17.
You will be paid commission of GTI even is not balance. There is no flushing or no payment for unbalance team/s.
Indefinitely your Business Space Centre earns commission of GTI as there are entries under your from left to right.
Your registered re-entry Business Space Centre units under you will also be counted for commission of GTI.
When there is a movement, entries or re-entries by anybody in the world will make you earn the above commission of GTI automatically.
You must refer a minimum of 2 persons/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw ALL your commission.
Commission of GoldPlan Pool Income (GPI)
Each Business Space Centre will also:
Entitled a GPI unit to queue in the commission of GPI .
All units purchased will be placed in the GPI queue on first come first serve basis.
When 2 units were thrown into the GPI system (from complete system hierarchy + your hierarchy), the front unit in the queue will get GPI of US$1.00 (RM3.50) in its e-SpaceWallet which can be withdrawn.
This GPI unit will be placed at the next queue available in the commission of GPI.
You will get repeated commission of GPI even though only 1 unit purchased.
The commission of GPI will be repeated for 100 times only.
Once you have gained repeated 100 times, a collection of US$1.00 (RM3.50) x 100 times = US$100.00 (RM350.00) for a single unit will be given (EXCLUDING the commission of GRI, GTI and GUI).
NO new advertisement unit space given to you for the GPI units.
Space or pixel unit will only be provided when you make a new purchase.
You must refer a minimum of 2 persons/individuals/companies to buy a minimum of 1 unit for you to withdraw ALL your commission.
click to go top >
2. The Benefits
The benefits from theSpaceAds.com:
Cheap; US$60.00 (RM210.00) for 20 x 20 pixels advertisement space rental for 1 year.
Market control
Easy to do maintenance
Easy to change the advertisement - real time
You can advertise your company and product with a cheaper price with a longer period. An additional of US$10.00 (RM35.00) renewal for another 6 months.
Your product can sell by itself and will be known to the world
You can introduce your company, services and products to prospect business partner all over the world
Your services and products will be in the international market
You can improved your services and products based from the it market statistic
Your Potential Commission is unlimited.
Indirectly your Space Pixel Advertisement is FREE and you can earn tremendous commission by promoting your business through these strategies.
When you introduced and subscribe more business partner, you'll earn more! THE MORE THE BETTER! And theSpaceAds.com growing to a bigger community.
You may earn a tremendous commission every day from each of your Business Space Centre.
The MORE Business Space Centre owns by you, the MORE YOU EARNING!
3. New Entry Unit ("downline")
theSpaceAds.com will make sure that yours "downline" or upline new unit placement will be in your own hierarchy as below:
Left will be the defaulted auto placement unit location.
If left hierarchy is greater than the right hierarchy, auto placement is defaulted to the right. theSpaceAds.com members will enjoy auto commission of GTI infinity until the level 17.
4. New Auto Re-Entry Unit
When you request for a commission withdrawal from e-SpaceWallet every day with-in a week, an Auto Re-Entry Unit from your unit will be thrown under your own hierarchy, 10% will be deducted from the commission withdrawal as a new Auto Re-Entry Unit. It will happen as below:
Deduction Conditions:
A minimum of 10% deduction from your commission withdrawal to a maximum of US$60.00 (RM210.00) in a week.
1 Auto "Re-Entry" unit in a week only.
You will get ALL commission; GRI, GUI, GTI, GPI and GUI for Auto Re-Entry Unit.
Auto Re-Entry Unit will start the placement from left to right under your own hierarchy.
Week 1 (e-SpaceWallet)~ 1st withdrawal request amounting of US$21.00 (RM73.50) x 10% = US$2.10 (RM7.35) ~ 2nd withdrawal request amounting of US$86.00 (RM301.00) x 10% = US$8.60 (RM30.10)~ 3rd withdrawal request amounting of US$143.00 (RM500.50 x 10% = US$14.30 (RM50.05)~ 4th withdrawal request amounting of US$400.00 (RM1,400.00) x 10% = US$40.00 (RM140.00) ~ Total withdrawal request for the week amounting = US$650.00 (RM2,275.00) x 10% = US$65.00 (RM227.50)
the system will place your Re-Entry Unit under your own hierarchy automatically once it reaches 10% - US$60.00 (RM210.00), which at this point the total accumulated is US$65.00 (RM227.50).
the balance of US$5.00 (RM17.50) will be creadited into your e-SpaceWallet account for withdrawal.
your total commission withdrawal for the week is:US$585.00 (RM2,047.50) + US$5.00 (RM17.50) = US$590.00 (RM2,065.00)
Week 2 (e-SpaceWallet)~ 1st withdrawal request amounting of US$130.00 (RM455.00) x 10% = US$13.00 (RM45.50)~ 2nd withdrawal request amounting of US$110.00 (RM385.00) x 10% = US$11.00 (RM38.50)~ 3rd withdrawal request amounting of US$160.00 (RM560.00 x 10% = US$16.00 (RM56.00)~ 4th withdrawal request amounting of US$140.00 (RM490.00) x 10% = US$14.00 (RM49.00) ~ Total withdrawal request for the week amounting = US$540.00 (RM1,890.00) x 10% = US$54.00 (RM189.00)
the system will NOT do Auto Re-Entry unit for you since your withdrawal did not reach 10% US$60.00 (RM210.00) which at current it was only US$54.00 (RM189.00). The system will carry forward the amount to next week.
5. Reseller Programme
theSpaceAds.com Reseller Programme will entitled you to approve your downline immediately and you also can approve anybody which is not under your hierarchy.
Conditions to be theSpaceAds Reseller:
Must be a member of www.theSpaceAds.com
Must by minimum 30 units.
A discount of 2% to 3% from US$60.00 (RM210.00)
30 to 49 units ~ discount 2%
50 to 99 units ~ discount 2.5%
100 units and above ~ discount 3%
30 to 49 units (discount 2% ~ US$60.00 (RM210.00) – 2% = US$58.80 (RM205.80)30 units x US$58.80 (RM205.80) = US$1,764.00 (RM6,174.00)
50 to 99 units (discount 2.5% ~ US$60.00 (RM210.00) – 2.5% = US$58.50 (RM204.75)50 units x US$58.50 (RM203.70) = US$2,925.00 (RM10,237.50)
100 units and above (discount 3% ~ US$60.00 (RM210.00) – 3% = US$58.20 (RM203.70)100 units x US$58.20 (RM203.70) = US$,820.00 (RM20,370.00)
How to enrolled as Reseller:
Bank-In to Country Space Agent bank account
Fax the slip to Country Space Agent
Referal ID: AB. HAMID BIN ISMAIL (SpaceAdsID: 140593)/BigMoney_TU
Reseller for Terengganu / Malaysia.
You have to wait for the confirmation of approval from Country Space Agent through telephone or SMS
6. Currency Exchange
To ease the calculation for the international business partner on promoting their company services and products in www.theSpaceAds.com:
the currency exchange will be decided by the Country Space Agent at each country appointed by the company.
Each unit sold is charge at a fixed price of US$60.00 (RM210.00) for 20 x 20 pixel advertisement space.
The exchange rate for Malaysia is RM3.50 per US$1.00 for purchasing and commission withdrawal.
Any issues arisen should be referred to your Country Space Agent to make sure all transactions are secured.
You must deal with the Appointed Country Space Agent when buying the advertisement space.
7. Short Messaging System (SMS)
SMS Alert is a key thing nowadays. theSpaceAds.com wills SMS to your cell phone as and when there is:
SMS greeting will be sent to you when your registration with theSpaceAds.com is successful.
SMS on any commission calculated into your e-SpaceWallet to your cell phone.
SMS is an easiest medium to communicate as to:
Keep an alert to you on any transaction that takes effect when dealing with theSpaceAds.com.
Inform you on the news, opportunities and messages from theSpaceAds.com.
Type of SMS updates that you may receive:
Registration summary upon registration of new account with us (free) (implemented)
Alerts on commission issued to your e-SpaceWallet. (implemented)
The cost of SMS you received will be borne by you and each SMS is auto charge $0.08 (RM0.28) by the system. You will receive the SMS alert anywhere in the world and the charges will be detailed in your e-SpaceWallet.
Your e-mail address, cell phone number and all your profile must be valid for security and verification purposes. theSpaceAds.com will not be responsible for any inconvenience caused in the future due to the invalid details provided by you upon registration.
8. Service Centre(State & District ~ Malaysia Only)
www.theSpaceAds.com will create theSpaceAds Service Centre in every state and district (Malaysia only) as below. Interested parties can apply with the Country Space Agent for approval. This will help member (Malaysia only) to get information and presentation.
1. theSpaceAds State Service Centre
Members of www.theSpaceAds.com
Reseller stock with a minimum of 50 units
Payment “Commitment” amounting of RM10,000.00 to the CSA “Country Space Agent”
Operation duration is 1 year The Country Space Agent will provide 1000 brochures, 5 buntings and registration kits as requested.
2. theSpaceAds District Service Centre
Members of www.theSpaceAds.com
Reseller stock with a minimum of 50 units
Payment “Commitment” amounting of RM5,000.00 to the CSA “Country Space Agent”
Operation duration is 1 year The Country Space Agent will provide 1000 brochures, 5 buntings and registration kits as requested.
All rights reserved. theSpaceAds.com is not responsible for the content of external sites. Images featured on theSpaceAds.com are © of their respective owners.
theSpaceAds.com © 2007
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